maandag 28 maart 2005

Everything about

When two people who never met before, meet, the chip inside their brain gives all available info instantly about the other from the main computer. They instantly know the whole file from the other.

The procedure was implanted in every human on the planet. Crimes no longer occurred with a computer that was able to reconstruct everything precisely based on the position of everyone and anywhere. Humans were not allowed to create rooms where the radar, able to follow any molecular structure like the one of a specific human, could not scan with the list of forbidden products. There was no license to fabricate them whilst heavy sentences were in practise when the radar picked up manufacturing.

The world knew the system could only fail from an inside job, return to the status of the past, when the world saw it happening in reality.
The leading governments of the world added a text to their leadership. It explains how political leadership cannot be defined as functional when it abuses it’s own perfect system. Everyone can follow the security of the system and everyone can keep his or her world functional. A simple global collective mindset is inside everyone’s brain where it is being understood. The negatives all versus all and one versus all kept the positive all for all going infinitely in the simple self profiling of every individual.

It is in the year 3252 that director Michael Fennin said that his movie about that system was everything about filming the atmosphere of the planet’s society the way it really was, then about the simple story.

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