1-To decide to end up in the eternal fire from the neverbeendead devil whilst continuing with the murderers from this planet in the meantime.
In this decision you become the murderer who gets punished for the murders.
The style is still known as an eye for an eye,a tooth for a tooth.
And also in this decision one gets hell along the way.Not the real eternal fire,but also not nothing.Because in this decision one decided not to be able to inform the atheists,the murderers,about the allmighty neverbeendead because one knows for some unknown reason that he's allmighty evil neverbeendead.
2-To decide to end up in the eternal heaven on earth from the allmighty neverbeendead god whilst continuing with the murderers from this planet in the meantime,even the ones from decision number 1.
Since the motives for decision number 1 & 2 are on purpose the punishments are the same.
3-To decide to inform the murderers about the neverbeendead allmighty god until all are informed.Until all are aware that the almighty neverbeendead god is stronger then the super mega lottery because he only turns the living into nothing (the reference miracle)for a while.Never a table or a chair or whatever else whilst the human lottery minded people see those other things being turned into nothing equally well because another miracle (written in another way:'just another miracle') by definition is equally possible or not possible at all.In the second case there wouldn't even be the reference miracle because that is also 'just another miracle' that by anti-miracle,in this second case,is then also not possible at all.
In this decision one doesn't get punished for doing the right thing.Yet one still carries the guilt from the neverbeendead allmighty god himself in mutual life.But since we are allready more then 2000 years after Jesus Christ,that life gives an automatic swell investment from the past.From the original past or from the past that needed to be redone by his miracle for having not paid attention during class.
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